Trois amis sourient et rient à l'intérieur d'une voiture dont le toit ouvrant est ouvert. Une femme portant des lunettes de soleil est assise au milieu du siège arrière. L'homme qui conduit porte des lunettes et un jean, et une femme vêtue d'un haut rouge est assise sur le siège passager avant. Le mot « cerf-volant » se trouve dans le coin.

Kite Mobility

Kite Mobility has developed an electric mobility sharing solution (vehicles, bikes and scooters) accessible from a centralized platform in condos, resorts or community properties. This is the first direct equity investment by the Greater Montreal Climate Fund, with co-investments by The Atmospheric Fund (TAF), Alberta EcoTrust and Good & Well! 

Investment $250 000

Category Mobility

Type Direct

Organization Kite Mobility

Year 2023

Status Closed

Un parking moderne avec un ensemble de voitures blanches. Les murs sont ornés de publicités colorées de Kite Mobility et du texte « Rideshare ». Des bornes de recharge pour véhicules électriques sont visibles, ce qui renforce l'ambiance futuriste et écologique.


The average monthly cost of owning a private vehicle, while it remains unused 95% of the time. Kite offers a cost-effective and low-emission alternative without compromising convenience.

Image for a statistic


Vehicles – Kite has expanded from a single vehicle to 50 and aims for 200 by 2025 and 1,000 in the coming years.

Homme sur son téléphone intelligent qui consulte l'application mobile kite Mobility


Per space – The estimated cost for developers to build a single structured parking spot.

Une femme s'appuie sur une voiture électrique blanche, la liberté d'un cerf-volant dans sa démarche, tout en tenant un smartphone. La voiture est en train de se recharger et affiche Access Mobility for Good sur son côté. Elle porte un blazer léger et un jean, incarnant le style sans effort et la durabilité.


Savings – Removing a single parking floor (300–400 spaces) can cut project costs by tens of millions. Just 10% of these savings can fund Kite’s service for 2–3 years, supporting developers in marketing efforts and enhancing affordability for buyers.

Une personne vêtue d'un costume léger s'appuie nonchalamment sur un véhicule utilitaire sport (SUV) gris portant le logo Access Mobility for Good. Le véhicule est gracieusement positionné devant un bâtiment en verre moderne et élégant.


Raised – Kite has secured over $4.5 million in investment and is raising an additional $10 million to meet strong demand and accelerate growth.

Redefining Urban Mobility

Sustainable Living at Bianca Condos with Kite Mobility

Homme sur son téléphone intelligent qui consulte l'application mobile kite Mobility

Bianca Condos, a luxury mid-rise residential development by Tridel, is a key site for Kite Mobility’s innovative electric vehicle (EV) sharing service. Located at 280 Howland Avenue in Toronto’s Annex neighborhood, this partnership enhances urban living by providing residents with convenient, eco-friendly transportation options while supporting sustainability goals.

Kite Mobility’s EV-sharing service at Bianca Condos offers a seamless, low-emission alternative to traditional car ownership. Residents benefit from on-demand access to electric vehicles, reducing personal transportation costs and lowering their carbon footprint

  • Convenience: Residents can book an EV through Kite’s app, ensuring flexible and hassle-free mobility
  • Sustainability: Supports cleaner air and reduced urban congestion.
  • Community: Encourages shared mobility, fostering a greener and more connected living environment.

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Our ambition is to revolutionize personal transportation by accelerating the shift to EVs and infrastructure, transforming communities with cutting-edge mobility hubs throughout Canada and most certainly within Montreal. We’re making it easy, aspirational, and accessible to choose sustainable mobility and the Greater Montreal Climate Fund is helping us scale and accelerate live projects, helping real estate developers and users save costs.

Scott MacWilliam

CEO & Founder, Kite Mobility


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