
12 / 23 / 2024

Discover the winners of the 2024-2025 call for projects

From June 25 to September 28, 2024, the Greater Montreal Climate Fund held its second call for projects to support decarbonization projects in the MMC. With a total grant envelope of $250,000 and an eligible maximum of $50,000 per project, the Fonds Climat finally selected 6 projects with strong GHG reduction and scale-up potential.

Lever de soleil sur des escaliers menant au Mont-Royal, bordé d'arbres enfeuillé


Une rangée de vélos colorés alignés sur un trottoir pavé. Les vélos sont équipés de gros pneus avec des jantes de différentes couleurs et sont garés les uns près des autres, créant un motif de roues qui s'étend au loin.

Sustainable development of CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest facilities, by the Centre Intégré de Santé et de Services Sociaux de la Montérégie-Ouest (CISSMO)

Amount awarded: $30,000

CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest’s sustainable development project aims to offer sustainable mobility solutions to its employees/users and encourage the use of active modes of transport (walking, cycling, etc.) by setting up dedicated infrastructures in Greater Montreal, Longueuil, La Prairie, Candiac, Châteauguay, Beauharnois, Île-Perrot, Saint-Philippe and Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Vélorution Couronne, Cyclo Nord-Sud

Un enfant avec un casque vert regarde deux personnes réparer un vélo rouge vif sur un stand Vélorution sous une tente. L'une des personnes porte une chemise violette, l'autre une chemise bleue. Des arbres et un parc sont visibles à l'arrière-plan.

Amount awarded: $49,676

Cyclo Nord-Sud’s Vélorution Couronne project aims to promote active and sustainable mobility in the municipalities of Boucherville and Rosemère, by reinforcing bicycling and adapting actions to the specific needs of each territory.

Learn more about Vélorution Learn more about Vélorution

Zero emission urban distribution mini-poles, Propulsion Québec

Crédit photo : Propulsion Québec

Amount awarded: $30,000

Propulsion Québec’s mini-distribution hubs project aims to set up a network of 7 mobile distribution containers, shared between carriers, in several Montreal boroughs (Rosemont La-Petite-Patrie, Ville-Marie, Verdun and others to come) to optimize last-mile logistics.

Learn more about mini distribution centers Learn more about mini distribution centers

Vélovolt, Équiterre

Module image

Amount awarded: $40,000

Équiterre’s Vélovolt project aims to demonstrate the potential of the electrically assisted bicycle (EAB) as an alternative to the car for commuting and working, through awareness-raising, experimentation and field activities.

Find out more about Vélovolt Find out more about Vélovolt

Low-carbon urban transformation, Vivre en Ville

Deux enfants marchent dans une rue étroite, bordée d'arbres, où l'on peut voir des panneaux « cul-de-sac » et « attention ». Un véhicule est garé à l'arrière-plan.

Amount awarded: $50,000

The Vivre en Ville project aims to promote low-carbon urban transformations in Greater Montreal (sustainable mobility, densification, complete living environments, etc.), while ensuring that these transformations benefit the most vulnerable populations and respond to their needs, to help reduce inequalities.

Discover Vivre en Ville Discover Vivre en Ville

Bicycle and cargo network, LocoMotion network

Flyer LocoMotion

Amount awarded: $50,000

The Locomotion project aims to make available a community and local fleet of cargo bikes in partnership with libraries, cultural and leisure centers and sports facilities. More information to come!

Find out more about Locomotion Find out more about Locomotion