
10 / 17 / 2023

The Greater Montreal Climate Fund and SOFIAC join forces to accelerate the decarbonization of buildings

Vue aérienne du paysage urbain de Montréal avec de nombreux gratte-ciel. Un grand pont, rappelant celui photographié par Eva Bronzini, enjambe une rivière à mi-distance sous un ciel partiellement nuageux, avec un horizon de paysages verdoyants en arrière-plan.

SOFIAC and the Greater Montreal Climate Fund announce their collaboration to accentuate the energy transition of commercial, industrial and multi-residential buildings. In a context where building decarbonization standards are set to evolve rapidly, SOFIAC and Fonds Climat are pooling their strengths to simplify the process for companies wishing to begin this process.

The two organizations will pool their offerings and expertise to increase deep retrofits in Greater Montreal. This collaboration will benefit businesses and homeowners seeking to reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint by offering them turnkey support for their major project, with no capital outlay on their part. The partnership will also facilitate investment in energy-efficient projects with a positive financial and environmental impact.

The complementary decarbonization and energy transition missions of the two organizations make them obvious and effective allies. The Climate Fund’s MultiRés program, co-financed by Efficiency Capital, offers owners of residential buildings in Greater Montreal heated with fossil fuels an effective solution that includes advice and financing for up to 100% of renovation costs. Through personalized support, MultiRés provides access to technical advice and alleviates the financial and administrative efforts that property owners must make in their energy-efficient renovations.

For its part, SOFIAC is an investment solution that commercial, industrial and multi-residential building owners can take advantage of to carry out large-scale energy-efficiency renovations. Owners whose annual energy expenditure totals more than $1 million can begin their renovations while benefiting immediately from reduced energy costs, without straining their working capital.

Joining forces with the Climate Fund was a natural choice. This alliance will enable SOFIAC to seize new opportunities and deepen its development. We’ll be able to increase our positive impact by accelerating the promotion of our innovative investment tools for energy-efficient renovations. Greater Montreal stands to gain from this alliance in favor of a more efficient and cost-effective energy transition.

Michel Méthot

Executive Director of SOFIAC

Our shared objectives have led to the creation of an unprecedented collaboration to accelerate the deployment of energy-efficient solutions for the real estate sector. Joining forces with SOFIAC enables us to deepen our action in one of our main areas of intervention: financial assistance to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings. Our expertise acquired through the MultiRés program, combined with SOFIAC’s experience in the large-scale energy-efficient renovation ecosystem, positions us favorably to achieve our goals of reducing Greater Montreal’s carbon footprint.

Vincent Moreau

Executive Director, Greater Montreal Climate Fund

About the Greater Montreal Climate Fund:

The Greater Montreal Climate Fund is the local hub for the Montreal metropolitan region of the LC3 network, funded by Natural Resources Canada and the Trottier Family Foundation. Its mission is to encourage, catalyze and organize players in the business, community and financial sectors, including private and public capital, to transform markets in favor of decarbonization and for the benefit of communities in the 82 municipalities of Greater Montreal.


Launched in 2021, SOFIAC helps companies in the commercial, industrial and multi-residential sectors increase their profitability and competitiveness by implementing energy-efficient and decarbonization projects, at no cost. SOFIAC’s innovative business model enables its customers to benefit immediately, without initial investment, from savings achieved through reduced energy consumption. For more information, visit