Deux personnes roulant en vélo locomotion sur une piste cyclable de Montréal

Coalition Mobilité Active Montréal

LocoMotion Plateau is a shared mobility project that provides Plateau Mont-Royal residents with free electric cargo bikes and bike trailers. This initiative aims to offer an ecological and accessible alternative to the car, while promoting active travel and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to the Climate Fund grant, four new cargo bikes were acquired in 2024, strengthening the offer and enabling a greater number of citizens to benefit from this sustainable transportation solution.

Grant $50,000

Category Mobility

Type NPO

Organization LocoMotion Plateau

Year 2023

Status Completed

Homme dans une ruelle enneigé de Montréal avec des vélos Locomotion


Electric cargo bikes acquired and made available to the community in 2024.

Un vélo locomotion avec une remorque adapté pour les courses

1 500


Travelled in summer and winter on average per bike per year.

Un vélo locomotion avec une remorque adapté pour les enfants



Of CO2 avoided per bike per year.

Événement Locomotion


Single users of Locomotion.1233 loans in total, 560 bike loans, 66 car loans, 633 trailer loans.

Deux homme en vélo avec une remorque Locomotion devant un stand commercial de locomotion


Days to promote active mobility.

Cross-functional benefits

More than an environmental impact

Vélo Locomotion avec un banc arrière pour embarquer une autre personne acoté sur un banc devant un plan d'eau

The LocoMotion Plateau project has generated a number of cross-cutting benefits that go beyond the proposed offer. It has helped to forge social links, develop active communities of neighbors, introduce users to a new means of locomotion, reduce car traffic and limit noise and odor pollution.

What’s more, the project has strong replicability potential in other neighborhoods of Montreal and beyond. Six other citizen committees have already been inspired by this initiative to launch similar projects in neighborhoods such as Rosemont, Sud-Ouest, Verdun, Villeray, Hochelaga and Ville-Marie.

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Quote from the LocoMotion Plateau team

Participating in the launch of the cargo bike fleet for LocoMotion Plateau has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Seeing these bikes in daily use reinforces my belief that a different kind of mobility is possible. Every trip by cargo bike means one less car on our streets!

Photo d'un bénévole de Locomotion

Antoine V.

Volunteer for LocoMotion Plateau


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