Decarbonized Buildings Symposium

Organized for municipal decision-makers, the “Decarbonized Buildings – Technical Solutions and Municipal Perspectives” symposium took place on April 30, 2024. It showcased existing and ready-to-use solutions for the sustainable decarbonization of residential, commercial and institutional buildings in Quebec.

Grant $20,000

Category Capacity building

Type NPO

Organization Nature Québec

Year 2024

Status Completed


Participants in the event.


Organizations present.



Individuals who participated in the event and work in an RCM or municipality.



Participants who work for an NPO or group.



Participants from the Montreal region.



Participants from the Montérégie region.

Mobilize to transform

Decarbonized buildings: technical solutions and municipal perspectives

Image publicitaire du colloque Bâtiments décarbonés

The two main objectives of this symposium were to inform elected officials, civil servants and players in the building sector about existing technical solutions for decarbonization, and to encourage municipalities to make firm commitments to decarbonization on their territory. Alternating panels and workshops, the event brought together speakers from municipal, academic, professional, financial and research circles.

The symposium fostered the creation of strategic partnerships that can accelerate the implementation of decarbonization solutions and the sharing of resources and expertise. The symposium also helped strengthen professional and academic networks, promoting the exchange of knowledge and best practices in the building decarbonization sector.

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Quote from the Nature Québec team

The financial support of the Greater Montreal Climate Fund enabled cross-sector collaboration leading to a varied and relevant program bringing together decarbonization experts, municipalities and academic institutions. The expertise provided by the Greater Montreal Climate Fund during the symposium, particularly Vincent Moreau and Ted Kantrowitz, greatly contributed to the success of the project.

Emmanuelle Rancourt

Energy Project Manager at Nature Québec


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