Low-carbon, inclusive and equitable urban transformations
The project supports efforts to achieve low-carbon, inclusive and equitable urban transformations in Greater Montreal. It consists of creating an Alliance for Inclusive Climate Policies, and supporting local groups seeking to achieve pro-climate urban transformations (mobility, densification, greening) in their communities.
Grant $50,000
Category Capacity building
Type NPO
Organization Vivre en Ville
Year 2024
Status In progress
Transforming our living environments
Reducing GHG emissions through a redesigned built environment

The project targets transformations of the built environment over a 3-7 year timeframe, with estimated GHG reductions over 10 years. These transformations, adapted to local priorities, include improved public transit, development of active transportation, densification of living environments and easier access to shops and services. These changes aim to reduce the carbon and energy footprint of travel, as demonstrated by numerous studies on the impact of the built environment.
To estimate GHG reductions, the project will analyze the expected transformations, their potential impact, and local data, comparing each environment to a similar one. Reductions will include effects on existing residents and new households as a result of densification.
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