
JeRénovÉco is a support and financing scheme for homeowners undergoing renovation, enabling them to repay all or part of their loan through the savings generated.

Grant $40,000

Category Building

Type NPO

Organization Écohabitation

Year 2024

Status Completed


300 000

Houses in Quebec powered by fossil fuels.



Minimal cost-cutting potential by smartly electrifying homes originally heated with oil or natural gas.




Approximate cost estimate for decarbonizing small residential buildings in Quebec.

Residential decarbonization

Facilitating and financing renovations

JeRénovÉco aims to facilitate and finance homeowners’ renovations to reduce their impact on ecosystems and improve their quality of life. It is a program for Quebec municipalities based on an innovative financing program called PACE, which Quebec has successfully tested but which represents a legal challenge for municipalities.

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