MaVilleÉlectrique, municipal fleet electrification simulator

With the support of the Fonds Climat, IVÉO and the Fondation du Cégep de Saint-Jérôme collaborated to develop a GHG emissions calculator. The project also aimed to raise cities’ awareness of the environmental impact of trucks, notably by drafting an electrification strategy specific to the municipal world and prioritizing heavy vehicles.

Grant $35,000

Category Mobility

Type NPO

Organizations IVÉO et Institut du Véhicule Innovant (IVI)

Year 2022

Status Completed


Project partners: IVI, UMQ, Propulsion Québec, Vivre en ville, Equiterre.



Connections and uses of the simulator.



Different users having generated at least one simulation.

Intelligent electrification of municipal fleets

Electrification scenario simulator to help prioritize investments

Module image

The simulator targets the municipal sector in order to accelerate the electrification of their fleets, notably by highlighting the different specialized vehicles available, the costs associated with their electrification, the subsidies available and the possible GHG reductions based on their specific uses. Based on a common value of “$/tonne of GHG reduced”, municipalities will be able to direct their investments to generate the best possible environmental impact.

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Quote from IVÉO’s general management

This collaborative initiative between several organizations undoubtedly maximizes the environmental impact of investments made by municipalities in the electrification of their vehicle fleets.

Benoit Balmana

Executive Director, IVÉO


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