Parking Expertise Network

The parking expertise network aims to develop a network of partners, experts and practitioners to support the transformation of parking regulations, planning, development and management on the private and public territory of the CMM, based on the approach developed as part of CRE-Montréal’s Stationnement écoresponsable initiative.

Grant $32,000

Category Mobility

Type Charitable organization

Organization Conseil régional de l’environnement de Montréal

Year 2023

Status Running


Series of tools produced to promote and operate the expertise network and its activities.


People interested in joining the network of expertise.


Activities planned in the network of expertise.


Series of 2 introductory activities on parking carried out in the network of expertise.


Participants in the first 2 activities of the expertise network.

Developing a network of partners

Transforming parking facilities in Greater Montreal

Un véhicule électrique est garé et se recharge à une station de recharge publique pour VE. La station est signalée par des panneaux bilingues et se trouve à proximité d'un bâtiment en briques rouges et d'un arbre.

In the long term, the Parking Expertise Network aims to revise municipal bylaws to incorporate best practices and provide a better framework for the management and development of parking areas. This work is necessary because the availability of parking has a strong influence on household car ownership and modal choice. In other words, the less parking there is, the less likely people are to choose the car for their journeys.


Citation de l’équipe du Conseil régional de l’environnement de Montréal

Thanks to the support of Climate Fund, the parking expertise network offers collective, coherent and systemic action for resilient living environments and the reduction of GHG emissions from transportation, the largest GHG emitter in Quebec.

Portrait de Romain Coste

Romain Coste

Coordinator – Mobility and Urban Planning, Conseil régional de l’environnement de Montréal


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