
The “Vélovolt: from car to bike” project promotes electrically assisted bicycles (EABs) as an alternative to the car for business trips in Greater Montreal.

Grant $40,000

Category Mobility

Type NPO

Organization Équiterre

Year 2025

Status In progress


Financial partners: Action Climat Québec, Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire – ACCEPTER le vélo and Hydro-Québec.



Trips to work are made by car.
*Statistics Canada, 2016 Census of Commuting.


Year of creation of the program and launch of the pilot phase with the Université de Montréal and the City of Trois-Rivières.



Participants who responded to the survey in Phase 1 said they would be interested in using the EAB to get to work.

Deux personnes portant des casques sont assises sur des vélos à un passage piéton par une journée ensoleillée. Elles discutent et sourient. Des voitures sont garées le long de la rue et des arbres avec quelques feuilles d'automne bordent le trottoir. Un bâtiment avec des magasins se trouve à l'arrière-plan.



In its life cycle, an ACE emits between 90 and 96% less CO2 per km than a gasoline-powered vehicle.
*Portrait et potentiel du vélo à assistance électrique au Québec, Résultats et recommandations issus de l’expérience Vélovolt, May 15, 2024

Raising awareness among workers

Mobilizing organizations

Launched in 2021, the Vélovolt project is a campaign of experimentation, awareness and research around the electrically assisted bicycle (VAE). By offering VAE trials to employees of various organizations, Vélovolt mobilizes and raises awareness among workers, employers and also municipalities to become agents of change for more sustainable mobility. On the strength of its popularity and the tangible impact it has generated, Vélovolt is pursuing its actions with new strategies to extend the campaign’s reach by continuing its research and reinforcing the adoption of EABs as the preferred solution for sustainable travel in Quebec.

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Quote from the Équiterre team

The Velovolt project has enabled thousands of employees to discover a new way of getting around and freeing themselves from their cars. Its continuation for the next 3 years, thanks to the Greater Montreal Climate Fund, will enable EAV to take an important place in the transportation cocktail of Quebecers, mobilize a greater number of mobility players and strengthen research around a more equitable and inclusive practice of EAV.

Tatiana Gordine

Sustainable Mobility Project Manager at Équiterre


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