
06 / 25 / 2024

The Greater Montreal Climate Fund launches its 2nd call for projects!

Lever de soleil sur des escaliers menant au Mont-Royal, bordé d'arbres enfeuillé

The Greater Montreal Climate Fund opens applications for its second call for projects. For the second year in a row, the fund is providing a total grant envelope of $250,000, with a maximum eligible amount of $50,000 per project, to support innovative greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction initiatives in the Greater Montreal area.

Eligible organizations (universities, municipalities, Crown corporations, registered charities, not-for-profit organizations and schools) can submit their applications between June 25, 2024 and September 28, 2024, by completing the application form available on our website. Only eligible projects, i.e. those designed to accelerate the reduction of GHG emissions in Greater Montreal, will be eligible for a grant.

This year, the Greater Montreal Climate Fund has decided to pay particular attention to decarbonization projects that target populations vulnerable to climate change, address issues of equity, inclusion and reconciliation, or are carried out with or by Greater Montreal municipalities.