Image commercial de Boucle énergétique collective

Energy loop in the Saint-Laurent industrial park

The energy loop project in the Ville Saint-Laurent industrial park aims to create a heat and power network by capitalizing on the concentration and diversity of industries on its territory. The aim is to involve key local companies in reducing energy losses and optimizing the use of renewable energies, in a circular economy approach.

Grant $25,000

Category Building

Type NPO

Organization Excellence Industrielle Saint-Laurent

Year 2023

Status In progress


Members on the advisory committee, with 6 meetings held to analyze opportunities and de-risk the project. Among the organizations represented: J Harvey Consultant & Associés, Hydro Québec, Natural Resources Canada, Ville de Montréal, Dusnky Énergie & Climat, CPEQ and Coopérative de Développement Régional du Québec (CDRQ).


20 managers trained in a practical workshop on energy management for businesses. This represents 11% of the overall target achieved. 100% of participants said they were satisfied and had taken concrete action, with 75% declaring a gain in confidence.



Addresses and consumption data received. Carried out a study of the region’s energy potential, identifying 23 potential energy synergies.


Priority sectors identified:
1) Technoparc – Heat recovery from data centers;
2) Thimens – Industrial waste heat recovery – multi-purpose;
3) Hodge/Lebeau – Heat recovery and industrial synergies.


Archetypal energy consumption sheets produced. The aim is to capitalize on a database of recent local industrial energy profiles.

Mobilizing economic players towards the energy transition

Development of an approach to identify and exploit the energy potential of the Saint-Laurent industrial park

In the global fight against climate change, municipalities play an essential role in supporting local initiatives and creating collaborative infrastructures. The borough of Saint-Laurent, home to over 4,400 businesses, represents a unique opportunity for large-scale energy transition.

This project, led by Excellence industrielle Saint-Laurent, aims to position the industrial park as a model of circular economy and urban resilience.

The borough’s Plan d’Urgence Climatique sets ambitious targets, including a 55% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030. This energy loop project is based on optimizing waste heat, electrifying uses and creating local heat networks. These initiatives aim to transform energy challenges into economic and environmental opportunities for local businesses.

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Citation de la direction générale d’Excellence industrielle Saint-Laurent

This project embodies an exemplary collaboration between companies, experts and municipal players to rethink our energy model on a territorial scale. By adopting a proactive approach, we are identifying concrete solutions to reduce GHG emissions, optimize the use of resources and strengthen the resilience of local communities. By positioning our territory as a laboratory for innovation in energy transition, we are creating sustainable business opportunities and affirming our role as a key player in the evolution towards a greener, more competitive economy.

Leesa Hodgson

Executive Director, Excellence industrielle Saint-Laurent


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