Quatre personnes sont assises sur la scène et participent à un panel au Forum national de l'action climatique à Montréal. L'auditoire regarde attentivement la toile de fond vibrante de l'événement FNAC2024 de la RNCREQ, qui met en évidence les discussions clés et les détails de l'événement.

National Climate Action Forum 2024

The National Climate Action Forum is an event that brings together decision-makers and socio-economic and municipal stakeholders, with the main aim of accelerating the implementation of climate action. The forum links the various aspects of the climate crisis, such as the challenges of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change, and highlights possible financial levers and the expertise of specialists.

Grant $15,000

Category Capacity building

Type NPO

Organization Regroupement National des Conseils Régionaux en Environnement du Québec (RNCREQ)

Year 2023

Status Completed



Participants at the event.


Speeches during the event by Gabrielle Lamontagne-Hallé (Host), Steven Guilbeault, Marc-Antoine Pouliot (Hydro-Québec), Laure Colin-Bosvieux, Benoit Charrette, Vincent Moreau (Fonds Climat du Grand Montréal), Dany Sarrazin-Sullivan (FTQ), André Lavoie (RNCREQ), Martin Vaillancourt (RNCREQ).



Participants who bought their tickets via the online ticketing system were from NPOs.
28.7% came from municipalities and 12% from small and medium-sized enterprises. The provincial and federal governments account for 7.8% and 6.6% respectively. Academia (5%) and large-scale industry (3.9%) follow.




Organizational regions: people from all over Quebec, with a slight predominance from Montreal (22%) and the Capitale-Nationale (15.3%).



Respondents indicated that they developed useful contacts during the forum, which could lead to future collaborations or strengthen existing links.




Respondents described the event as “relevant” and “inspiring”.

In acceleration mode

A place for exchange and networking to overcome obstacles

FNAC 2024 enabled decision-makers and socio-economic and municipal stakeholders to link the challenges of reducing greenhouse gases and adapting to climate change with inspiring concrete initiatives. The event covered six major themes: land use planning, energy transition, municipal action, biodiversity, transport/mobility and adaptation to climate change.

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Quote from RNCREQ general management

The forum was a huge success, not only for the richness and variety of the exchanges, but also for the palpable commitment of all participants to take action for our climate. The knowledge shared here, with people from all over Quebec, paves the way for concrete, meaningful action across the territory.

Photo de Martin Vaillancourt en allocution

Martin Vaillancourt

Executive Director, RNCREQ


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