La centrale roule!

La centrale roule! is a collaborative project spearheaded by La Centrale Agricole, a group of urban agricultural producers and players in Quebec’s agri-food sector. The project involves developing a business plan for a shared fleet of electric vehicles.

Grant $50,000

Category Mobility

Type NPO

Organization Coopérative Centrale Agricole

Year 2023

Status In progress


Survey of Centrale members and other partners to gauge interest in electric vehicle fleets.


Analysis of the electric vehicle rental market carried out.

25 405


Of shared journeys made for the pilot project (1 year), 6.84T of GHGs avoided, 30% reduction in journey distance through sharing.



Survival rate of Centrale businesses due to service and infrastructure sharing initiatives.



GHG reduction targeted by 2031.

Pooling resources

Decarbonizing food deliveries

The La centrale roule! project is aimed at 17 member cooperatives from the agri-food industry based at Montreal’s Marché Central. The project brings together players from the social economy and the private sector. Its main objective: to reduce delivery costs while first decarbonizing the activities of participating cooperatives.


Quote from the Coopérative Centrale Agricole team

By pooling our resources, we’re building a more sustainable and inclusive future, where every square foot, every vehicle, and every action has a collective impact for a greener, more inclusive Quebec.

Kevin Drouin-Léger

General coordinator, Coopérative Centrale Agricole


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