Montreal Climate Summit 2023

In 2023, the second edition of the Montreal Climate Summit was held, a major regional climate event bringing together leaders from the economic, philanthropic, institutional and other sectors.

Grant $30,000

Category Capacity building

Type NPO

Organization Partenariat Climat Montréal

Year 2023

Status Completed

Le ministre canadien de l'environnement et du changement climatique, Steven Guilbeault, et le directeur du Fonds Climat du Grand Montréal, Vincent Moreau, sourient et se serrent la main sur scène. L'un d'eux tient un dossier alors qu'ils se tiennent au milieu de formes triangulaires et de feuillages éclairés en vert, à côté d'un podium transparent au Sommet Climat Montréal.


Speakers took the floor at the Montreal Climate Summit 2023.



Participants attended the event.


Big announcements were made during the event.

Unprecedented mobilization

Bringing together decision-makers to accelerate decarbonization

The Montreal Climate Summit 2023 was marked by major announcements that reinforce the collective commitment to the fight against climate change. Ambitious initiatives were unveiled. This multilateral commitment demonstrates the collective will to meet the climate challenges of our time!

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Quote from the general management of the Partenariat Climat Montréal

The success of this second edition confirms that the momentum for ambitious climate action grows stronger every year. Numerous organizations unveiled their structural commitments to decarbonizing the metropolis and increasing its resilience, while others lent themselves to the exercise of rigor and transparency, following up on the commitments made at the 1st edition of the Summit. These leaders are showing the way to transition, and inspiring others to do the same.

Allison Reynaud - Portrait

Allison Reynaud

Formerly Co-Director, Partnerships and Development


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