Montreal Climate Summit 2024

The Montreal Climate Summit is the Montreal community’s annual get-together to take stock of what has been done and what remains to be done to ensure that Montreal achieves its climate objectives, while strengthening its resilience between now and 2050.

Grant $33,000

Category Capacity building

Type NPO

Organization Partenariat Climat Montréal

Year 2024

Status Completed



Participants at the Montreal Climate Summit 2024 included 26.9% NPOs, 16.8% public administrations, 16.7% medium and large companies, 13.4% institutions, 12% small businesses, 5.2% philanthropic foundations, 4% media and 5% others.


Major announcements made during the event, including a commitment by the Government of Quebec in partnership with Energir to reduce Montreal’s GHG emissions by nearly 10,000 tonnes, or more than a third of the downtown area.


Co-organizers include Alliance Transit, Chambre de Commerce de l’Est de Montréal, CCMM, CIUSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, G15+, COMM Climat, Copticom, Culture Montréal, Fonds de solidarité FTQ, Finance Montréal, JCCM, McGill, Ogive and Vivre en Ville.



Expert speakers and international leaders from a wide range of backgrounds and professions, including Catherine McKenna, Canada’s former Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, and LaToya Cantrell, Mayor of New Orleans.


Signatories to the Sustainable Mobility Pact, encouraging organizations to offer their employees soft mobility solutions to get to work.



Media references include Le Devoir, La Presse and Radio Canada.

Project monitoring indicators

Mobilization at the heart of local decarbonation strategies

With over 900 participants, the 3rd edition of the Sommet Climat Montréal demonstrated that the Montreal community was once again mobilized to accelerate the city’s transition and make it more resilient to climate change. Many international leaders and high-level experts were on hand to share their expertise and support participants in their climate transition. Information booths and activities were offered to help participants implement concrete actions within their organizations.

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Quote from the general management of the Partenariat Climat Montréal

Conceived and designed as a collective milestone for all key players in the metropolis, this year’s Climate Summit focused its programming on implementing climate commitments and supporting organizations in their transition. Through some twenty activities, as well as kiosks and networking opportunities, participants were able to equip themselves, meet other change agents and leave with concrete elements to implement within their own organizations.

Allison Reynaud - Portrait

Allison Reynaud

Formerly Co-Director, Partnerships and Development, Partenariat Climat Montréal


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