We grant subsidies

We provide financial support for the decarbonization of the Greater Montreal throughout the year and during an annual call for projects.

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Our grants

We support innovation, risk-taking and projects with strong potential for scale-up.

The Greater Montreal Climate Fund provides grants for decarbonization projects throughout the year and during its annual call for projects. Subsidized initiatives must demonstrate a real impact on reducing GHGs, be innovative, structuring and reproducible on a larger scale in the Greater Montreal area and on the two Aboriginal reserves.




Grants to date.


Grants awarded since our creation in 2021.


Grants awarded for sustainable and/or active mobility: deployment of cargo bike fleets, zero-emission distribution mini-hubs, etc.


Subsidies granted in the building sector: energy renovations, creation of an eco-neighborhood, etc.


Subsidies granted in the building sector: energy renovations, creation of an eco-neighborhood, etc.

Find out all about our grants.

You have a decarbonization’s project in the Greater Montreal area you and are looking for additional funding? Find out who we support, how we do it and under what conditions.

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Eligible organizations

We support municipalities, governments, non-profit organizations, schools and universities, financial institutions, philanthropic organizations and entrepreneurs.


Eligible projects

We support projects in sustainable and/or active mobility, building and capacity building. We pay particular attention to projects aimed at reducing inequalities in the fight against climate change.


Selection criteria

Selected projects must demonstrate a real impact on reducing GHG emissions in the Greater Montreal region. They must be innovative, structuring and replicable on a larger scale.


Annual call for projects

In addition to the grants we provide throughout the year, we conduct an annual call for projects with more precise selection criteria.

How to obtain a grant

Looking for financing?

Une personne se promène dans un parc avec un vélo à proximité. À l'arrière-plan, on peut voir une grande structure en forme de dôme géodésique entourée d'arbres. Le ciel est clair et lumineux, ce qui suggère une journée ensoleillée.

We may be able to help. Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria listed above and present your project to us.

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